Being Dead | When Horses Would Run (Creamsicle Vinyl)

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Being Dead came upon the scene in Austin, TX five years ago with their distinctly right-brain songcraft, mischievous humor, and implausibly great vocal harmonies. Even as they've graduated from curiosity to cult favorites, I've yet to encounter a single person who dislikes Being Dead. The garage-y psychedelic outsider pop band should be considered in the same category as rainbows and finding $60 in the pocket of a winter coat: incontrovertibly lovable. When Horses Would Run, recorded at Radio Milk with producer/engineer Jim Vollentine (White Denim,... Trail of Dead, Spoon), spit-shines Being Dead's sound without diminishing their weirdo-best-friend vibes. Their penchant for idiosyncratic lyricism and musical unpredictability shines in "Last Living Buffalo," which finds Gumball and Falcon Bitch trading lines over a bouncy bop before skidding into a heavy doom breakdown. It stands in stark contrast to the gentle Laurel Canyon-style folk rock of "Daydream," showcasing Being Dead's extraordinary harmonies - at once plaintive, uplifting, and eerie. Their vocal interplay, however, can be just as good in contrast, like on "Muriel's Big Day Off," where Gumball's garage punk monotone delivery and Falcon Bitch's tuneful tenor volley back and forth in what sounds like the theme song for some Adult Swim cartoon. Being Dead is recommended if you like Devo, the Pixies, the Beets, Violent Femmes, or living your life like it's an ungraded art project.y intact.

1. The Great American Picnic
2. Last Living Buffalo
3. Muriel's Big Day Off
4. God Vs. Bible
5. Come on
6. Daydream
7. Treeland
8. When Horses Would Run
9. We Are Being Dead
10. Holy Team
11. Misery Lane
12. Livin' Easy
13. Oklahoma Nova Scotia
