Will Johnson | No Ordinary Crown (Opaque Blue Vinyl)

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Will Johnson's ninth solo album, No Ordinary Crown, hums with palpable motion. Travelers, runners and conductors fill it's lyrics, and gesticulating storms and emotional highs and lows seep through the instinctual quality of it's rock 'n roll performances. It's also cabled by ephemeral momentum.

The songs were conceived in stolen moments and brief windows of time between the responsibilities of family and a multi-hyphenate career. The singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, painter and novelist describes the demo process as "fairly jagged," a gathering and stitching of audio snippets recorded via cell phone and dictaphone over a year and half. "I finalized the songs on short tours where I could hear my thoughts a bit more clearly," he says. "Somewhere along the line someone advised me to never be afraid to hurt my characters, that I will always be able to get them out of it," he says. "I do want there to be these small victories and small portals of hope." With No Ordinary Crown, people may behave badly, and the road may get rough, but the reward is in the journey.

Track Listing:

1 Along the Runner (No Ordinary Crown)
2 Sinker, Sinking
3 In Granada
4 Tempest Time Again
5 Alta (Warped Kite)
6 The Conductor Calls
7 Conduct
8 Inverio
9 Swine
10 Of Passengers and Plight
