The Old Man and the Blog ((sea was taken))

Posted by The Old Man . on

I've never really posted a blog before. I have read over and again that a website needs a blog to engage visitors and post about what you sell etc. The experts say this is how you 'drive traffic' to your site and sell to your customers.

Sell Sell Sell. Puke Puke Puke.

Do I need sales to make a living and feed the kids? Yes - very much so.

Am I a natural born salesperson? No - very much so.

Does this worry me? A little I guess, but I'm rolling the dice that just being myself/human will help me along the way somewhat. I don't want to be a 'sales guy' - gross.

Also -I wanted something more for this site when I started it. I wanted it to be fun and a little (or a lot) irreverent. So I am not here to sell you. Future submissions to this blog will be about whatever I damn well please. I'm sure I'll mention stuff Trusty Spot sells, but I'll always endeavor to do it from an honest place that is more about letting you know we have something new/cool/cheap/limited/rare (or a mix of these traits). This customer base is already bad ass enough to treasure hunt through the site without me bugging people. So enough about all that - just know future blog posts won't be annoying commercials. Cool? Good. Let's move on...

What I do want to make sure I say with this first blog post:

You all have moved me. You've made me think life can be a little bit brighter some days, and that gift is priceless to me.

Trusty Spot launched just a few short months ago amidst all of the 2020 chaos. The site has received lots of love by lots of people, and I am more thankful than I can ever put into words. When we took our 100th order I almost threw up from excitement. I definitely made that horrible gagging sound.

When you decided to shop here you made the decision to support a little family place with a big dream. Trusty Spot customers kick so much ass I can't stand it. Your ratings, reviews, email subscriptions, social media likes/follows/shares are all so helpful in enabling our growth. I'm not crying, you're crying.


In future blogs I'll probably be funny - but for now my stupid old heart is just overwhelmed and I felt the need to make sure I said thank you to all of you.

I truly hope your 2021 is beautiful.

With all my love and gratitude,

The Old Man at Trusty Spot -xo


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